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Who loves their jobs here? (Curious to know)  

New Member

I met people who complained about their jobs, how terrible their bosses are, the long working hours and so on.

Are there anybody who really love their jobs? What jobs are these? What is it about the job that makes you happy?

Is the saying "Find a job you love and you'll never be working a single day" really true?

Posted : 22/09/2020 1:36 pm
beebee liked
Active Member

I am working at one of those boring, low-profile 9-to-5 office jobs. My work is hardly inspiring. It's definitely doesn't fall into the "love your job and you will never have to work a single day" category. People are just there to work and make money. There is no corporate ladder to climb. But that also means there is very little drama and politics in the office. I don't think about work after work hours. My boss will not try to reach me on weekends. 

And I prefer it that way. I like my work and personal time to be separate. My work doesn't take over my life. I have time for my family and my hobbies. 

Posted : 28/09/2020 2:32 pm
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